Testosterone Therapy for Women
When a woman approaches menopause, some reductions in testosterone are normal. At the same time, some women may experience more marked reductions in testosterone when taking oral estrogen medications. Ovarian dysfunction or failure (for example, from chemotherapy or radiation) can cause low levels of testosterone, as can thyroid disease and certain types of cancer.
What Does Testosterone Do for a Woman?
Though women naturally produce less testosterone than men, in small amounts, the hormone is essential in the support of several body functions. Normal, sustained female testosterone levels in women can help:
- support the maintenance and healthy growth of bone tissue;
- increase and maintain muscle mass;
- decrease the amount of fat storage (particularly in post-menopausal women);
- promote a healthy sex drive or libido;
- decrease the risk of vaginal atrophy.
There is some research to suggest that normal testosterone levels in women can even help support cardiovascular health. As such, this is more than just a “sex hormone” – it plays an integral role in overall good health and longevity.
Too little testosterone can directly contribute to a variety of health conditions, including:
- osteoporosis;
- obesity;
- pelvic floor insufficiency;
- depression;
- cancer;
symptoms of low testosterone in women
Women with low testosterone may present with one or several symptoms. In general, low testosterone can cause:
- muscle weakness;
- sluggishness or fatigue;
- sleep disturbances;
- weight gain;
- issues with fertility;
- irregular menstruation;
- loss of bone density;
- vaginal dryness;
- loss of libido;
- decreased sexual satisfaction.
Because these symptoms present as so many other issues, low testosterone in women often goes undiagnosed. Women with low testosterone may also experience emotional symptoms like:
- lack of motivation;
- feelings of depression;
- difficulty concentrating;
- problems with memory and cognition;
- low testosterone in women often goes undiagnosed.
If these symptoms are familiar to you, talk with your doctor. A blood test can determine whether a woman has low testosterone.
What a doctor determines as low testosterone could depend on the woman’s age, health, and other issues. Testosterone plays a vital role in maintaining several body functions, appearance, and even memory and cognition. Maintaining normal, age-appropriate levels is essential for maintaining good health and a positive quality of life. Even women who experience low testosterone levels due to age may find comfort and relief from testosterone replacement therapy.
Testosterone Replacement Therapy Benefits in Women
There is promising evidence that Testosterone Replacement Therapy can have several benefits for women, such as:
A Healthier Heart
We know that low testosterone levels can increase the risk of cardiovascular issues, but can TRT help with your risk of heart disease or stroke? Evidence suggests that it might. Testosterone helps boost healthy red blood cell production, and a recent study of 83,000 men found men with low levels of testosterone who returned to normal levels decreased their risk of heart attack by 24%, and risk of stroke 36%. It’s not known if these results are generalizable to women.
Decreased Risk of Obesity
Women naturally have less muscle mass than men, and testosterone is linked to increased muscle mass. A leaner body naturally helps control weight and increases energy. TRT can help decrease fat levels while promoting muscle mass and strength.
Strong Bones
Testosterone levels are directly linked to bone density, and low T directly correlates with the risk of osteoporosis in both men and women. Clinical trials show TRT can help boost bone mineral density in both the hip and spine. Additionally, studies of females transitioning into males found that TRT treatments naturally improved bone density in participants.
Possible Improvements in Cognition
There is promising research in men that shows men with higher total testosterone have a reduced risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Testosterone has also been to important thinking abilities such as improved verbal memory, processing speed, and spatial memory. Again, while this research has been predominantly on men, it is likely that it would similarly affect women.
Healthier Libido
The most promising evidence regarding TRT and women relates to libido. In both men and women, appropriate testosterone levels contribute to healthy sexual arousal and activity. Numerous studies show that testosterone replacement therapy can improve sexual performance and activity in both men and women. Boosting low T can have an almost immediate effect on your sexual health.
Better Mood
People with low T report troubling symptoms such as fatigue, irritability, and depression. TRT may be able to improve mood, well-being, and promote healthy energy levels. The natural consequence of feeling more energy can also boost moods.
Are There Risks to Testosterone Replacement Therapy?
Like any medication, testosterone replacement therapy has its risks and benefits. You should discuss all the possible side effects of taking testosterone based on your unique health history. For some people, such as those with blood clotting disorders, testosterone replacement may not be appropriate.
Some of the most common side effects of TRT include:
- increase in acne, particularly cystic acne;
- increased urine output;
- fluid retention;
- enlargement of the breasts (gynecomastia);
- an increase in aggression;
- mood swings.
How Can Women Get Testosterone?
Currently, there are several different ways that a man or woman can receive testosterone replacement therapy. One is not necessarily better than the other; the formulation you use will depend on your physician’s recommendation and personal preferences.
Remember, the FDA has not approved testosterone preparations for use in women. This means when testosterone is prescribed, it’s for off-label use and the prescription must be filled by a compounding pharmacy.
How is Testosterone Compounded for Women?
Today, men and women have a variety of options for compounded testosterone replacement products, such as:
- topical gels or creams;
- transdermal patches;
- injections;
- oral formulations, such as pellets and trochees.
Here at our clinic, the medications are bio-identical and synthetic estrogens (Estradiol, Estriol, Estrone) and bio-identical testosterone.
Once you start testosterone replacement therapy, you will likely notice the effects within just a few days. Within a few weeks, many women report feeling increases in sexual drive, libido, performance, and mood. Additionally, people undergoing TRT have reported feeling more energetic within the first few days.
Ask us anything you wish to learn before starting your treatment, free consultation application here.